Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bookcase move

Have you ever moved a bookcase to a new spot in your room? It might be the WORST piece of furniture to relocate. It seems to me that I move them more than my other furniture. I married a bookworm. He loves to read and re-reads many books. I have some architecture and building books, he has the rest of our 3+ bookcases. This bookcase was a $5 find. I brought it to my parents, I was very proud and my dad said "I will have to beef up the structure, I can't believe you paid $5 for this." I asked him if the wood would cost more than $5, he said "of course" I said, "well then I got my money's worth!" It has been a great bookcase for us. I haven't decided if I will paint or re-stain it, so, 4 years later it sits in it's original state: worn. 

Part of the reason behind me moving bookcases a lot is you get to rearrange the books. I find that after a while, with an avid re-reader, the bookcases end up looking haphazard. It used to live by our "front hall" but since the addition of a new hall table, on the other side of the opening, it had gotten tight. We had a dead corner on one end of our couch. We have never been sure what to do with it. Sketchbooks, portfolio books, filing, and cable stuff. Messy!

Since all the carpet has to come up at some point, I didn't want the bookcase going onto carpet. So I pulled up some more. 
(See the bottle of hardwood cleaner? Yep, it was spilling the whole time
 I was working, that portion will come up tomorrow!)

So after emtying the bookcase I moved it to it's new home! In between our couch and college-esque puff chair. It was super cool when I bought it (I just bought the cover, the frame was free.) I was ready to get rid of it, but then we got our dog and she got the chair. I never thought I would be the person who has a chair for a dog, but she did not take not being allowed on furniture well and she snuggles so perfectly in it (in fact she is in it now.) She can also look out the window from that chair. 

I filled the bookcase with books in a more organized manor. 
Our file boxes still need a home, as does our basket of blankets. After all, we only have two rooms! I have to arrange something on the top shelf. Maybe that will be tomorrow! 

Full disclosure: I was super productive these past couple of days due to one thing: my sister was 12 days overdue today when her little boy was born this evening. I now understand the meaning of nervous energy! The sex was a surprise and I was anxious to know details. It totally kept me going today. She is a rockstar, I am so proud of her! She has a sweet, sweet little girl who is one month short of 2. I can not wait to meet him!

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